
Message from Governor Carlos Joaquín on Labor Day and the signing of the Unity Pact for Quintana Roo and Work Protection. May 1st, 2020


Dear Friends of Quintana Roo:

This May 1st – Labor Day – finds us at an unprecedented moment in history.

The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is affecting our families, businesses, jobs and communities as well as our way of life.

I’d like to begin this address by expressing a message of solidarity with all who have been who have been affected by the virus and extend our sincere wishes for a full recovery.

At the same time, I want to express how proud we are of all health, security, public service and supply workers who in the midst of the COVID-19 health emergency are working in essential activities, in many cases risking their own health and lives. Doctors, nurses, paramedics, stretcher-bearers, police, security guards, firefighters, garbage collectors, drinking water technicians, food deliverers and firefighting brigade members, supermarket and self-service store employees, fuel dispatchers, carriers, tax inspectors and volunteers, to name a few of our heroes.

I also want to commend my colleagues and fellow labor defense attorneys who have been on duty to defend the workers of Quintana Roo and who are ready to help those who need it most.

From the onset of this pandemic, we have focused on the health, economic well-being and safety of the families in Quintana Roo. That is why in the Quintana Roo government, we are supporting the most vulnerable sectors, with a program focused on five actions in favor of our families:

1 – We support you with drinking water

2 – With gas

3 – With the delivery of food deliveries house to house in various stages throughout April and May, so that there is no lack of food on your tables

4 – With electricity through an agreement with the Federal Electricity Commission for the current bimonthly bill, where we have paid the equivalent to one month to 68% of users in the state, and

5 – With health services by bringing medicines to the homes of those who are vulnerable and require them frequently, as well as emotional support in rthese times that can createtension, anguish and anxiety.

At the same time, in order to protect the workers who are suffering the economic effects of this crisis, we met with various business chambers to assess the economic impact on the activities of the state. We havehave agreed to sign “THE UNITY PACT FOR QUINTANA ROO” (EL PACTO DE UNIDAD POR QUINTANA ROO) with business leaders and workers’ unions, This agreements will protect our workers’ employment and ensure that our working communities continue to contribute to the economic development of the state.

Alternatives have been proposed to support, find formulas, fiscal stimulus and other forms of financingso that jobs and sources of income for families are not lost.

The social, academic, and political sectors of the state will also join this effort.

I wish to express my appreciation to all of them for their willingness to support this effort and their commitment to Quintana Roo.

Through the State Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare and the Labor Defense Attorney, measures and actions have been implemented for the protection, counsel and representation of workers who were unjustifiably dismissed from their workplaces during the COVID-19 health crisis.

Labor counsel is being provided and complaints are being addressed in order to safeguard the rights of workers in Quintana Roo.

Let me be clear:

We are here to defend and support you.

As I have asked you throughout this pandemic, please stay home as it is the best way to prevent the spread and spread of COVID-19.

Our main concern and priority continues to be the well-being of Quintana Roo.

I urge you to continue working in a coordinated way to face the situation with responsibility, to take care of our families, our parents, our elderly loved ones, our friends and the most vulnerable people in our society.

I exhort you to increase prevention and hygiene measures, practice social distancing and remain at home, as these arekey actions to avoid any type of spread and contagion.

We are a world-class tourist destination.

We want the thousands of visitors from different parts of the world to arrive daily once again, as this will allow us to continue being leaders in job creation and economic development in Mexico.

But first, we need to take care of ourselves and watch over our loved ones.

That is the best medicine to avoid any risk.

On this Labor Day,

I express my appreciation to those men and women, who with their daily work make our state of Quintana Roo a paradise of opportunities and a first-class destination.

And in the face of thissituation, strengthen as a society because…

Together, We Will Succeed!